Monday, February 13, 2012

Productivity-Work Ethic

Follow Safety Practices
An important part of work ethics is following established safety practices. At our
technical institute, each classroom or lab has safety procedures. You should also
exercise safety precautions as a student when using your computer such as
proper wiring, computer maintenance, and a work safe environment. The same
will be true on the job. Each department in each company will have a set of
safety guidelines to which employees should adhere.

These rules are not designed to punish the student or employee, but rather to
protect them. Safety is always important and is everyone’s responsibility. The
failure to follow safety rules can result in a lost-time accident or even death.

When a company experiences a "lost-time accident" due to the minor injury of an
employee, everyone is affected. Efficiency and profits will go down with each
minute lost. Co-workers will see an immediate effect if they are paid on a group
incentive plan and a team member is injured. The effect may not always be as
direct and may not always be as evident, but the fact remains that everyone
suffers with injury.

Following safety rules will not totally eliminate "lost-time accidents," but their
numbers will be cut down.
Banana Peel Causes a Detour. by Kinsella, Paul

Conserves Material
It’s not your money that is going down the drain if you make a mistake and have
to scrap part of the materials, is it? Think again—in the long term it may actually
be your money or at least the continuation of your current paycheck.

One might say, "How will my employer ever miss the 500 sheets of paper and
100 staples that I wasted by duplicating the wrong information? That's not a lot of
materials when you consider what we use every day!" Well, what would happen
if your company has 100 employees and each one made a similar mistake? Or,
what if we were talking about expensive chemicals instead of paper and staples?
Always use only the materials necessary to adequately complete your task. Treat
the materials as if you were paying for them yourself. One of the best ways to cut
down on scrap is to do the job right the first time and to always be conscientious.
Scrap costs your company or your school money and decreases the profit
margin. A decreased profit margin has a direct effect on employees because
with less to go around, less will be given back to the employees.
Desk bins: 'Action' 'Action-Worthy' 'Action-ific'... 'Actually Done' (Nothing). by Veley, Bradford

Keeps Work Area Neat and Clean
As mentioned above, safety is everyone’s job. So is housekeeping. Most
technical institutes and employers employ a custodian or maintenance worker
that will handle the heavy cleaning. However, each student and each
employee is responsible for maintaining his or her own workspace. You mayinitially feel that with your busy schedule you do not have time to straighten up
every day, but the fact is that you don’t have time not to.

It only takes a few minutes each day if done correctly. We should not leave our
workspace until our work areas are clear, all trash has been discarded, and our
chairs and equipment are properly put away. Since you can never be sure who
will walk into your work area, it is necessary to always keep it presentable.

Part of housekeeping is organizing and filing. If your information is filed in an
orderly manner, you will not have to waste your valuable time looking for things
that you misplace and will therefore be more productive and efficient in the long

Follows Directions/Procedures
It is important to read directions and procedures carefully before beginning a new
task. It is equally important to consistently follow established procedures for the
routine, mundane tasks that we perform each day.

The failure to follow directions can be disastrous. It can mean getting a bad mark
on a test or it can mean the loss of a job.

Directions are developed by experts and are designed for our safety and
expedience of work. Don’t ever feel that you don’t have to adhere to the
prescribed steps and that you can do things your way.

Watch this short productivity video.

Address the following Productivity Topics/Questions in your Blog posting:

  1. Productivity includes a good scheduling of your time, follows safety procedures, conserves materials used, has a neat and clean work area, and follows direction. Provide other examples of good productivity?
  2. Why is productivity important in the workplace, and what actions you would take to improve workplace productivity?"
  3. Some people believe that work, rather than leisure, can give them what they are looking for and is an outlet for self-expression as well as material rewards. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

Remember these tips when creating your blog post!
  • You will blog about each topic in your own blog created in the Google App "Blogger".  
  • Add photos, related web-links, videos, etc.-make your blog interesting for others to view!  
  • Make sure to check spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.
  • Use your blogroll (using the 'My Blog List')  on your blog-connecting you to each classmate.
  • You MUST reply to at least one classmate for each topic.  Therefore, you will have to post at least twice for each topic–your original post, on your own blog, and at least one reply, on at least one other blog.  Your replies should go beyond Agree/Disagree statements.
  • Your work ethics skills will be observed throughout the semester and rated via the Work Ethics Evaluation Form.

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